Parent Log In

The school is open from 8.00am and all children must be in school by 8.25am.

Class GroupTime
Reception8:25am – 3:15pm
Year 18:25am – 3:25pm
Year 28:25am – 3:30pm
Years 3 & 48:25am – 3:40pm
Years 5 & 68:25am – 3:50pm

Homework Club

A Homework Club is available for girls in Years 3 – 6 girls from 4:00pm to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. Sign up is termly, along with the other Extracurricular Clubs, and managed by the School Office. There is no extra charge for Homework Club.

After School Care (ASC)

At the end of the school day all pupils from Reception – Year 6 may join our After-School Care (ASC). ASC runs from 3:15pm until 5:45pm. The children are cared for by three staff members. The manager holds recognised childcare qualifications. We also enjoy the extra pair of hands from Ursuline High School girls, who are helping as part of their Duke of Edinburgh service.  Please refer to our Fees & Bursaries page for information on costs. 

There is also an extensive array of extracurricular clubs before and after school.

Attendance And Absence

All pupils are expected to attend classes on all days that the school is open. Apart from illness, absence from school should only occur in exceptional circumstances. Should you wish to request absence, other than illness, please email the Head Teacher’s office, giving the reason for absence and requesting that the absence be authorised. Please note, it is a requirement of the Independent School Inspectorate that all absence in school term time, other than illness, must be authorised.

Absence due to illness

In the event of your child being too ill to attend school, please go to Contact Us and select the Absence option from the drop down menu. Please include your child’s name, Form teacher and reason for absence.

Alternatively, please call the School Office on 020 8947 0859 and leave a message detailing the requested information above.


If you child needs medicine administered at school please complete a Medical Form and hand into the School Office.